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true off grid living in vilcabamba

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Property Description


Located high up in the Yamburara Alto neighborhood of Vilcabamba, an hour plus walk or horse ride on a path into the lush, green Ecuadorian Andes -- lies this pristine 50-hectare (124 acre) Finca.

Featuring some of the best soil in world -- black and rich -- and a climate conducive to nearly any crop imaginable.

With pure untouched water flowing out of Podocarpus National Park, safe to drink without filtration -- including a large stream on the property, this Finca offers true peace and tranquility.

The views and richness of the nature here are breathtaking.

Perfect for a prepper, practitioner of meditation or anyone looking for some of the best air and water in the world to build their off grid compound.

The areas by the stream are almost jungle like, with moisture in the air and amazing plant life. Other areas are grassy, great for cattle or gardening -- with a couple of great flat areas for home sites mixed in.

At around 6,000-6,500 feet above sea level, there are no bugs and this area gets year round rain, avoiding the dry season much of Southern Ecuador experiences.

Internet is available, electricity would need to be connected from approximately 1 kilometer away and for less than $5,000 you/we could build an access road wide enough to comfortably fit a 4 wheeler (no permission needed).




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explore the area


Nestled under the watchful eye of its mythical mountain protector Mandango, lies world famous Vilcabamba.  Located just 45 minutes outside of Loja, with its idyllic climate, stunning natural beauty and mix of pueblo culture and global influence, Vilcabamba offers one of the most unique experiences in the world. Read More >

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