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Property Description


Located in ‘El Carmen’, less than a minute from the main road in Landangui sits 5684m2 of fertile, cultivated land with a lovely 3br/2ba house and much more.


Entering through the metal security gate you are met with a large parking area, beautiful Bougainvillea, roses, flowers and ornamental plants of all kinds.


The house itself has a large covered patio, living room/dining room, comfortable kitchen and 2br’s with another off the patio and one more below on the backside of the home.


The house is hooked up with all basic services, internet/TV an alarm system and cameras.


Behind the house is a large covered outdoor kitchen/BBQ area with a small caretakers cottage beyond.


The grounds are where the magic begins.

Completely cultivated with over 3000 coffee plants, lots of banana, several varieties of lemon, guava, guayaba, papaya, orange and more.


With lovely landscaping, the 100% flat lot offers rich soil, amazing views, the sound of chirping birds and all the peace and quiet one could ever desire.


Conveniently located 30 minutes from Loja, 5 minutes from Malacatos and less than 15 to Vilcabamba this property has it all.


Totally fenced in, complete with year round irrigation water and sprinkler system – this property is ready to slide into the peaceful, self-sustaining lifestyle of your dreams.


Come enjoy the perfect year-round climate of Malacatos valley.




Google maps link

Elevation of the property:   5463ft (1665m)

Distance to the closest town: 5 minutes in car

Distance to the  Airport: 1 hour and 16 minutes in car

Temperature:  25º C (70º F)

Annual property taxes: $11,92


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explore the area


Although located just 35 minutes from Loja, the first thing you will notice upon your descent into Malacatos Valley is the change in temperature.  Green, lush landscapes, affordable prices, and an average daily high of 77° F (25° C) make it the preferred second home and vacation destination of Loja. Read More >

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