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Beautiful adobe Hacienda remodeled with modern finishes in Nabon

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This property is located in Nabon, in the province of Azuay, 1.5 hours from the city of Cuenca. The land has a total of 11.2 hectares. It has an extensive and beautiful land! The house has two bedrooms and a full bathroom. The house was restored by a renowned architect of the city. It is completely made of adobe but with very modern finishes. It has skylights that give it light. It has a wood-burning oven next to the modern kitchen, perfect for making bread or pizza.


It also has a distiller outside to make tequila.


Price: $225,000


Properties Data


Price: $225,000

Areas Size: 11.2 Hectares (27.67 Acres)

2br/ 1ba

Location: Nabon, Ecuador 

Population (City): 603.269

Altitude (Town): 2,538 m (27318.80 ft.)

Distance to Loja: 3 hours by car

Annual precipitation (Cuenca): 1612 mm


Cuenca, also known as the "Atenas del Ecuador", is a beautiful city located in the central highlands of the country, in the province of Azuay. With an altitude of approximately 2,500 meters above sea level, Cuenca is famous for its colonial architecture, its rich history and culture, and its impressive natural environment.

In addition to its architectural beauty, Cuenca is known for its thriving arts and culture scene. The city is home to a large number of art galleries, museums, and theaters that showcase local talent and promote art and culture. It is also recognized for its craft production, especially in the manufacture of toquilla straw hats, ceramics and jewelry.

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