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Property Description

This simple 1200 square meter property (0.3 acre) is located in a little neighborhood very close to Malacatos center. From the building site, you have wonderful views of the valley!

This sized lot is perfect for those who want to build a home and not have much maintenance responsibilities for the grounds. You’ll still have room to create lovely landscaped gardens or vegetable beds. 

Water and electricity are already hooked up, so you will be all set to start building your dream home!

Price: 45,000


Property Data


Location: Malacatos, Loja, Ecuador

Property Size: 1200 m2 (0.3 acre)

Population: 7,114 (Malacatos)

Altitude: 1,470 m (4822 ft)

Distance to Malacatos: 1 minute by car

Distance to Loja: Approx. 35 minutes by car

Distance to Airport (Catamayo): Approx. 1 hour  20 min by car

Annual Precipitation (Malacatos): 764 mm (30 in)

- Estimated Closing Costs: $ 1,050

* Much of Southern Ecuador experiences a rainy and a dry season. The dry season is approximately June through September, while the rainy season is approximately October through May.

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explore the area


Although located just 35 minutes from Loja, the first thing you will notice upon your descent into Malacatos Valley is the change in temperature.  Green, lush landscapes, affordable prices, and an average daily high of 77° F (25° C) make it the preferred second home and vacation destination of Loja. Read More >

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