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The Sunny Time of Year

Here in early November we are in the middle of the time of year I enjoy the most in Loja. Lots of sun, comfortable weather, not so much rain.

Climate here is a funny thing. Because the terrain is so varied, climate changes rapidly by mini-region.

I like heat. When I was considering relocation options I was looking for year round warmth. Back in New York, when everyone would be complaining about the heat in the summer months, I was happy. I enjoy weather in upper 80’s and 90’s.

I ruled out Chile and other places in part because of climate.

I understand my climate preferences are not common. Most people enjoy weather in the 60’s and 70’s and not much higher.

If that is the case for you, then Loja is perfect.

However there is a caveat. From approximately April/May to around September the weather here is cool and rainy. It can rain a lot. And be in the 50’s even during the day.

The rest of the year – approximately September through April/May is spectacular. Not too much rain. Rarely cold. Often sunny. Highs normally in the mid to upper 70’s.

The nice part about this region of Ecuador is that if the Loja climate is not for you, there are many options within short driving distance.

The Vilcabamba/Malacatos/Taxiche/Landangui area (30-45 minutes from Loja) for example has year round highs in the 70’s and low 80’s. Never cold. Less rain.

Interestingly enough this area and much of southern Ecuador has the opposite rainy season to Loja. The June through October months in the Vilcabamba area are slightly cooler, much windier, and dry. The mountains turn brown during this time until they green up again around November.

I moved to Vilcabamba when I first relocated to Ecuador. The climate, for me, was near perfect. However my business and my life were in Loja so I moved to a climate close to ideal for many, a little cold for me.

Just over an hour in another direction towards Zamora and you are in the jungle. Wet, humid, hot.

In Catamayo, where the Loja airport is (45 minutes from Loja), the weather is always in the 80’s, even upper 80’s and it’s dry (I love the weather there, most do not).

Saraguro, which is a little more than an hour from Loja is considerably colder than Loja and gets a similar amount of rain (a lot).

If your considering Ecuador, or Southern Ecuador, I encourage you to check out the options. Culture and climate vary considerably within very short distances – but very likely, your ideal climate isn’t far away.

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